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History of the company

Ladies and Gentlemen! We are pleased to present you our family business TOMASZ, GRAŻYNA, JAN VOGT s.c.

There's something in the bakery that attracts you, despite the great toil, which does not compensate for earnings. It attracts not only children, grandchildren, but also wives. They are not afraid of long hard work, often  in night hours and perform typically male occupations.

Our fathers and grandfathers had no need to persuade them to follow in their footsteps.
You may wonder why we attach so much significance to the heritage and tradition. It seems that we had everything handed to one on a plate. That might be true, but we've become familiar with this job and have learned its nuisances. We have watched and have loved it.
The craft can hardly surprise us at the moment. We can hold out a lot, but we are aware of the great responsibility. We do not want to disappoint our fathers, grandfathers-professional and break the continuity of the family, because we could wast all that we have been working at for five generations. Now it is the sixth one!
We still enjoy a great reputation not only in Pleszew, but also throughout Poland. We combine tradition with modernity by taking from both all the best.
During the 185-year history of our company, there were low and high points, but always we want to meet the needs of our customers - good products and reasonable price.
This is the saga of the Family of Craftspeople VOGT!
We wish you pleasant reading and we invite you to shop in our network of retail outlets.
Grazyna, Tomasz, Michael and Jan Vogt
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